Become travel creator

Monetize your travel experience

Make money by sharing your travel itineraries with other travellers

Build a plan in minutes

Create a travel plan

Just drag & drop photos and videos from your trip and Traua will help you to create a unique travel plan you can monetize on social media.

Travel plan
Immersive travel plan page

Share with followers

Promote attractive travel plan’s page on social media and let your follower experience the same journey as you did.

Share travel plans
Turn travel into profit

Earn money

Your experience and research time is valuable asset your followers will appreciate and reward. Saves their time and start earning right now!

Earn money

It’s that simple and free 🎉

We charge 20% fees on your sales to cover transaction and product costs. Your paycheck will arrive the first week of the month via Paypal.

Calculate potential income

It costs zero to start so any revenue made can be spend on exploring the world. Try it out.

We are fair

Frequently asked questions

Couldn’t find what you were looking for? Write to us at

How does it work?
How do I get paid?
Can my fans support me on a monthly basis?
Is publishing itineraries for free?
What’s the format of the bought itinerary?
May I generate the travel itineraries by AI?
Is Traua secure?
Will I get a refund?
Traua Logo
Ready-to-go travel itineraries made by experienced travelers.
All rights reserved © 2024 meo s.r.o.
Made with ❤️ by Milan and Zuzana